Meet Eh Mu, another Breakthrough Twin Citeis student! Eh Mu is in eighth grade and attends Capitol Hill Gifted and Talented Magnet. Check out what he has to say about Breakthrough in his interview below.
1. If someone had never heard of BTC, what is the one thing you would say to help them understand what BTC does?
It’s a program that helps with your schoolwork and it helps you remember all the knowledge you had when you get back to school. It’s a lot of fun though, classrooms are different.
2. What motivated you to be a part of Breakthrough?
My cousin was doing it and I wanted to also!
3. How has BTC impacted you?
It kept me so organized, I was never this organized until this summer.
4. Why have you stayed involved in BTC?
One of the reasons is my parents, and I just wanted to try Breakthrough for the whole summer, you can’t just give up on the first day. And going for the whole summer was worth it.
5. What is your favorite Breakthrough Code and why?
“Persist,” everyday we have to persist up the stairs. Also “Strive to Understand,” when I do something I always want to make sure I know it and I want to get it, I don’t want to leave without understanding. “Strive to Understand” is really who I am.
6. If you could give Breakthrough a shoutout, what would it be for?
Getting me out of my shell, in school I’m never this confident. I would never talk this much in school. And I learn new things every day in all my classes and I like that.
7. Is there anything else you would want people to know about how you feel about Breakthrough?
Breakthrough is fun, it makes summer go so fast, if you’re bored at home you should come to Breakthrough.