This month’s “Be Breakthrough” student spotlight is Senam Akyea, a current senior at Highland Park High School.
Senam has embodied many different roles at BTC; not only is she a current BTC student, but she’s been a Teaching Fellow (2020), a Program Intern, and a BTC Student Representative at various events like our annual Booyah Bash. Ever since her first summer at Breakthrough, she couldn’t wait to be involved in these greater capacities.
“From the start, I’ve just been in love with Breakthrough, and there was nothing else I envisioned doing with my summers,” Senam said.
She had a lot to say about her experience as a student in the program:
“Breakthrough is such a huge part of my life. A big part of my Breakthrough experience was having a community that is just super supportive, super loving, and just incredible. I really enjoyed having something that was outside of school — school is just not as engaging as BTC is. I was able to retain the important subjects I needed, especially when I might’ve struggled during the year with certain topics.”
As a senior this year, she prepares for her college search, the culmination of all her efforts from the past five years. Her application essay is nearly complete, she said, thanks to a BTC essay writing boot camp she attended during the summer.
She feels ready to seek out the school of her dreams, where she hopes to pursue a career in psychotherapy. Senam chose this career route because she enjoys talking to people about what afflicts them and she sees a need for Black professionals in the field. She is excited to make great strides in her studies this year and beyond graduation, hopefully attending a school out-of-state and further broadening her horizons.
“Breakthrough gave me the confidence I needed to be myself and speak my mind,” said Senam. “I knew that no one would judge me — it’s a family. We all have a place where we feel loved.”
Keep doing great things, Senam! BTC is lucky to have you, and we’re excited to see where your future takes you.

Pictured is Senam after participating in a student panel for the Association of Metropolitan School Districts.