Hello Breakthrough Community!
At our February Saturday session, students in 7th-10th grades chose a bill up for debate in the Minnesota legislature this session, learned about the structure of a persuasive letter, and wrote their congressperson in support or opposition to the bill. This type of communication and advocacy can be applied directly to emailing teachers with concerns or requests as well!
Meanwhile, 11th graders took a practice ACT exam in order to familiarize themselves with both the structure of this common college admissions test, as well as strategies to boost their score.
12th graders looked at college financial aid summaries and how to evaluate them, and also heard a presentation about Page Scholarship opportunities.
BTC parents and guardians can plug into Saturday session by:
asking your 7th – 10th grader which bill proposal they chose to write about, and whether they support or oppose the bill.
asking 11th graders if they have accessed the free online ACT prep courses provided by Breakthrough
asking 12th graders how to determine the overall amount being offered in a financial aid summary.
The next Saturday session is March 22nd.
Contact Simon Lee at slee@breakthroughtwincities.org with questions. Thanks!