Happy fall!
We learned more about the path to college this month! Students in 7th – 10th grades played a college role-playing game – they created their own college avatar character and researched universities and scholarships. Students needed to consider several factors as they made decisions about college, including university admissions rates, scholarship requirements, financial aid packages, and how their grades in high school affect admissions and scholarships.
Meanwhile, 11th and 12th graders were invited by Augsburg University in Minneapolis to tour the campus, visit with the admissions department, and have lunch in the dining hall.
BTC parents and guardians can plug into Saturday session by:
- 7th-10th grade – asking which colleges the student applied to in their Path to College game, and why
- 11-12th – asking for their favorite and least favorite thing about the visit to Augsburg University
The next Saturday session is December 7th, and families are invited to attend along with their students. Contact Simon Lee at slee@breakthroughtwincities.org with questions. Thanks!