Meet a Breakthrough student on the path to college Read their story!

Breakthrough Saturday Recap – February 2025 Recap

February 2025 Saturday Recap


Hello Breakthrough Community!

At our February Saturday session, students in 7th-10th grades chose a bill up for debate in the Minnesota legislature this session, learned about the structure of a persuasive letter, and wrote their congressperson in support or opposition to the bill. This type of communication and advocacy can be applied directly to emailing teachers with concerns or requests as well!

Meanwhile, 11th graders took a practice ACT exam in order to familiarize themselves with both the structure of this common college admissions test, as well as strategies to boost their score.

12th graders looked at college financial aid summaries and how to evaluate them, and also heard a presentation about Page Scholarship opportunities.

BTC parents and guardians can plug into Saturday session by:

asking your 7th – 10th grader which bill proposal they chose to write about, and whether they support or oppose the bill.
asking 11th graders if they have accessed the free online ACT prep courses provided by Breakthrough
asking 12th graders how to determine the overall amount being offered in a financial aid summary.

The next Saturday session is March 22nd.

Contact Simon Lee at with questions. Thanks!

Breakthrough Saturday Recap – December/January Recap

Dec 2024/Jan 2025 Saturday Recap

Hello Breakthrough Community! 

Thank you to all the students and families who attended December’s Saturday session!  We ended the year with holiday crafts and treats, and a presentation to parents/guardians about college credit courses in high school. 

This past January, students got the chance to interact with career representatives from a variety of fields at our Saturday Career Fair.  The representatives this year included BTC alumni, donors, and family members, representing careers in finance, medicine, robotics, music, technology, law, politics, and more.

BTC parents and guardians can plug into Saturday session by:

  • asking their students about something specific they learned about any of the careers
  • asking their students if they crossed any careers off their list of possible future jobs after learning more about it, and why

The next Saturday session is February 22nd.

Contact Simon Lee at with questions. Thanks!

Breakthrough Saturday Recap – November 2024

November Saturday Recap

Happy fall!

We learned more about the path to college this month! Students in 7th – 10th grades played a college role-playing game – they created their own college avatar character and researched universities and scholarships. Students needed to consider several factors as they made decisions about college, including university admissions rates, scholarship requirements, financial aid packages, and how their grades in high school affect admissions and scholarships.

Meanwhile, 11th and 12th graders were invited by Augsburg University in Minneapolis to tour the campus, visit with the admissions department, and have lunch in the dining hall.

BTC parents and guardians can plug into Saturday session by:

  • 7th-10th grade – asking which colleges the student applied to in their Path to College game, and why
  • 11-12th – asking for their favorite and least favorite thing about the visit to Augsburg University

The next Saturday session is December 7th, and families are invited to attend along with their students. Contact Simon Lee at with questions. Thanks!

Breakthrough Saturday Recap – October 2024

October Saturday Recap
We practiced our professional communication skills this month!  Students in grades 7-10 learned tips on writing an effective email, analyzed examples of good and bad emails, and then drafted their own. Students could choose to write about an example situation or, if they had a real-life example, they wrote an email to address a concern or make a request to a teacher or school staff (or Breakthrough staff – we also received some constructive feedback!).  Students in 11th and 12th grade learned more about financial aid and the college search process in preparation for a trip to Augsburg University next month. After lunch, students had time to socialize in their chosen Yo-Time activity. 
BTC parents and guardians can plug into Saturday session by:
  • 7th-10th grade – asking your student to whom they wrote their draft email
  • 10th-12th grade – asking your student if they’re interested in the court shadowing opportunity with the Ramsey County District Attorney’s office this spring
  • 11-12th grade asking your student what they hope to learn about the college process during their trip to Augsburg University November 2nd.
Stay tuned for an upcoming invite to a virtual family night session in November. Have a great week!

Breakthrough Saturday Recap – September 2024

September Saturday Recap
Breakthrough Twin Cities kicked off our school year Saturdays on September 14!  Students reconnected with their friends across schools and many summer Teaching Fellows who have returned as Saturday facilitators. Advisors rolled out the Yearly Ambition Project (YAP), inviting students to set their own individual goal for the year, as well as complete a Bingo card of tasks this semester designed to strengthen positive school habits. 
Students in grades 7-10 then reflected on the school year so far, and held elections to select the representatives from their grade level who will participate in Breakthrough Town Hall. Students in 11th and 12th grades held a workshop on how to get the most out of a college fair visit, in anticipation of the TCP college fair this coming Saturday.
After lunch, the session wrapped up with a Cluster Bowl of competitions including a cheer off, lava stones, and tug of war. 
BTC parents and guardians can plug into Saturday session by:
– asking your student if they set a YAP goal, and the steps they set to meet that goal
– asking students (7-10 grade) who they voted for as their Town Hall representative, and why
– asking students (grades 11-12) about the TCP college fair, and arranging to visit the fair with advisors
Thanks to everyone who makes Breakthrough a community of learners!
Why Breakthrough? Voices of Current Students

Why Breakthrough? Voices of Current Students


Five middle schoolers from BTC’s site in Eastern Carver County share advice on applying to Breakthrough and what they like most about being in the program. Students featured in order: Dylan, Zagal, Mykayla, Melva, and Nyarai.



Breakthrough Twin Cities

2051 Larpenteur Ave E, Saint Paul, MN 55109, USA