Latrese Johnson is a BTC freshman attending Highland Park High School. Check out what she has to say about her time in BTC below!
1. If someone had never heard of BTC, what is the one thing you would say to help them understand what BTC does?
Breakthrough helps students who really want to get to college but might not have all the resources. So Breakthrough helps them make sure they are guided through that really difficult path to get to college.
2. What motivated you to be a part of Breakthrough?
I applied because I knew my mom would want me to apply. When I first heard about it I didn’t think it would really be like this. I didn’t think it would be nearly as fun or that I would build as much of a community. And especially starting at such a young age, thinking about college has been cool.
3. How has BTC impacted you?
It makes me feel more prepared than a lot of my other peers. Everyone else in my grade is like “oh…? High school!” They’re thinking about the moment and I’m thinking more about the future. And Breakthrough helps me think ahead to what my goals might be.
4. Why have you stayed involved in BTC?
Breakthrough is a big part of my summer. It’s been that one routine thing that happens every year. Since I’ve known these people for three years I’m attached to them and it feels like we’re a family.
5. What is your favorite Breakthrough Code and why?
My favorite code is “Be Grateful,” mostly because it’s something I need to work on. I feel like the people I love, they know that I love them, but sometimes I don’t say it as much. I think people should be more explicit about the care they have for the people who are important to them.
6. If you could give Breakthrough a shoutout, what would it be for?
I would give them a shoutout for changing kids’ lives. I don’t know how many of us would even be wanting to go or thinking about college and if it wasn’t for Breakthrough I feel like a lot of us would be struggling to get there.
7. Is there anything else you want to share about Breakthrough?
I just want to talk about the impact that it has had on our lives again. A lot of our parents didn’t go to college and making sure that you’re doing well in high school can be overwhelming to do by yourself, especially if your family hasn’t been through it. I’m very thankful for Breakthrough as well.