Meet a Breakthrough student on the path to college Read their story!

See what Raniya Abawari, a 7th grade BTC student attending Capitol Hill Gifted and Talented in St. Paul, has to say about Breakthrough in her interview below!

1. If someone had never heard of BTC, what is the one thing you would say to help them understand what BTC does?

It’s a fun learning environment where you can be yourself!

2. What motivated you to be a part of Breakthrough?

My brother and my sister are in Breakthrough and so I just did it and now I’m really glad that I signed up.

3. How has BTC impacted you?

I feel like it’s made me break out of my shell and it’s made me more extroverted because I’m usually an introvert; now I’m more outgoing.

4. Why have you stayed involved in BTC?

It’s just really fun and the teachers are so nice and everyone is really nice. There’s no one who’s mean. At school, there are some people who aren’t nice. But at Breakthrough everyone is nice and it’s just a good environment.

5. What is your favorite Breakthrough Code and why?

“Persist,” because even if things are hard you have to keep on going, you have to persist and keep going through it. I feel like you can use this code for life outside of Breakthrough, too.

6. If you could give Breakthrough a shoutout, what would it be for?

I would give Breakthrough a shoutout for helping me break out of my shell and for giving me nice teachers who are supportive!

7. Is there anything else you would want people to know about how you feel about Breakthrough?

It doesn’t sound super fun at first, because in the application it says you will have two hours of homework a night, but every moment of it is worth it. It takes a big part of your summer, but it’s all worth it, you should do it.

Breakthrough Twin Cities

2051 Larpenteur Ave E, Saint Paul, MN 55109, USA