Meet Sumeya Ahmed, a 7th grader at Breakthrough! Sumeya attends Linwood Monroe Arts Plus. Hear what she has to say about her time at Breakthrough!
1. If someone had never heard of BTC, what is the one thing you would say to help them understand what BTC does?
It’s this program that helps you get ready for the next year and helps you get scholarships. It’s a 6 year program, it’s really fun, and it’s free.
2. What motivated you to be a part of Breakthrough?
I heard about it from Akemi Mechtel (a staff member), who came to our school and told us about it. I knew I needed help to get better, so that’s why I joined. I also had nothing to do over the summer and I wanted to do something.
3. How has BTC impacted you?
It helped me in my math and science coueses a lot.
4. Why have you stayed involved in BTC?
I keep coming back because I want to learn new things and I want to have fun, and Breakthrough helps me do both.
6. What is your favorite Breakthrough Code and why?
“Persist” – even if something is hard you have to go through the hard times, and I’ve been through a lot of those at Breakthrough. I like that even though sometimes it’s hard, my peers are doing the hard stuff with me.
7. If you could give Breakthrough a shoutout, what would it be for?
For helping me get through hard times and hard learning.
8. Is there anything else you would want people to know about how you feel about Breakthrough?
It’s a great program. If you don’t know what you’re going to do for college, it’s going to help you a lot. It also helps you succeed in high school. It gets you ready for your next classes so you can be prepared.