Breakthrough Twin Cities is a six-year, tuition-free academic enrichment and college preparatory program that helps students prepare for college success. Our goal is to identify young people who are in need of and who will take full advantage of the support that the program offers.
Breakthrough Twin CIties students typically meet 2 or more of the following need-criteria, however you just need to meet one to qualify:
-Identify as a race that is under-represented in college
-First in their families to graduate from college
-Eligible for free or reduced lunch
-Speak a primary language at home other than English
-Live in single-parent home
Commitment. Motivation. Engagement. Beginning in the summer after 6th grade, we work with young people who are excited to take full advantage of the program. And we stand by them every step of the way through college acceptance.
Students (and their families) enrolling in Breakthrough Twin Cities make a six-year commitment! The time commitment varies each successive year of the program, with the most intensive programming offered during the summers leading into 7th, 8th, and 9th grades, and during the college counseling process in 11th and 12th grades. However, students are expected to attend monthly events throughout the school year for all six years. We are a tuition-free program. While it does not cost anything to participate, students and families “pay” for the experience with their hard work and commitment.
Have a question? Check out some of the more common inquiries we receive about our program, and feel free to reach out to us for further information.
Where is Breakthrough Twin Cities?
Breakthrough Twin Cities has three program locations: Mounds Park Academy on the east side of Saint Paul, Saint Paul Central High School, and Chaska High School in Eastern Carver County. Students do NOT need to attend one of the host schools to apply!
What commitments will I have to make to Breakthrough Twin Cities?
If you are accepted to Breakthrough Twin Cities as a student, you are expected to participate actively in the program starting the summer before seventh grade through the end of your senior year in high school.
What is the Breakthrough summer schedule?
Breakthrough Twin Cities programming runs for six consecutive weeks (late June to early August), Monday through Friday, from approximately 9:00AM – 3:00PM.
Is it OK to miss a few days of the program for vacation?
We have leniency with attendance knowing summers can be busy for our students and families.
However, the expectation is that you participate in the majority of summer programming and school year programming. These both are an important aspect of being in Breakthrough! Of course, if there is an emergency and illness please let us know beforehand.
There will be three parts to the application:
- Student Statement
- Parent Statement
- Expectations Form
Aplicar en español!
We are excited to announce that we now have a version of the application in Spanish. If you are interested in applying in Spanish, please click here!Aplicación en español:
Which site will I attend if I am accepted?
Breakthrough Twin Cities places students primarily by which site location is closer to their home address. Breakthrough staff will assign and notify participants of their particular program location when students are accepted into the program. Students will remain with the same Breakthrough site for the entire six-year program. Connection to your BTC site and community is one of the most important parts of the program, and students will only be allowed to request a location change for unique circumstances.
Is transportation provided?
If students live in Saint Paul, buses will pick up and drop off students at points near their homes. If students do not live in Saint Paul, families are responsible for arranging transportation to and from the program.
The same applies to students in Eastern Carver County. If your home is located within the district, buses will transport you to and from programming at Chaska High School. Students living outside of ECC are responsible for arranging their own transportation.
Are meals provided?
Yes. During the summer, we will provide breakfast, lunch, and a snack to all students. You may bring lunch if you desire.
Is Breakthrough Twin Cities a regular school?
Breakthrough Twin Cities is an academic enrichment program, which means that it only takes place during the summer and on Saturdays during the school year, so it all takes place outside of regular school hours. Students will attend Breakthrough programming in addition to their regular school. Breakthrough is not an alternative to year-round school.
Is Breakthrough Twin Cities a mandatory supplement to regular school?
It is totally optional to apply to be in our program if desired. You must apply and be accepted in order to become a Breakthrough student.
How much does the program cost?
Nothing. Breakthrough Twin Cities is tuition-free for students. Due to support from numerous corporations, foundations, and individual donors, our students pay nothing to participate. We expect families and students to “pay” for the program through their commitment.
When do I find out if I am accepted?
Student applications are typically due in late December (early action deadline) and early March (regular deadline) of each year. Breakthrough staff takes approximately one month to review all applications after each deadline, and then we will notify students and families of their acceptance. Families will need to formally accept to be enrolled in our program via phone call or email.
What are the responsibilities of Breakthrough parents and guardians?
Parental support is very important for academic success and that holds true at Breakthrough Twin Cities. We will ask for your support in ensuring that your child attends the program every day and does his or her homework consistently. There are also a couple of events and an individual meeting that parents must attend annually.

Every one of our students shares the goal of graduating from a four-year college or university. On top of that, all Breakthrough Twin Cities students are expected to:
- Students are expected to take the most challenging level of classes in which they can be successful.
Work towards at least a B- in core classes.
You are expected to participate in Breakthrough Summer and School Year programming, and maintain communication with your advisor.
Maintain a respectful, constructive attitude at Breakthrough Twin Cities and school. - Complete assignments and attend workshops during the high school program.
Be involved in at least one extracurricular activity (outside of Breakthrough Twin Cities) each year.
Breakthrough staff are fully committed to supporting students to meet these expectations if students are struggling to reach any of these goals.
Parents & Guardians of Breakthrough Twin Cities students make a commitment to:
- Understand and follow through with the six-year commitment that your child makes to Breakthrough Twin Cities
- Ensure their child attends required program dates.
- Attend occasional required family events like: Back to Breakthrough, Parent Conferences, and Celebration.
- Complete a family meeting/workshop with a Breakthrough staff member each year.
- Proactively communicate with Breakthrough Twin Cities regarding your child’s performance.
- Proactively communicate with Breakthrough Twin Cities regarding any changes in contact information.
- Actively help your child raise any grades that fall below a B-.
Breakthrough students demonstrate and work to improve their ability to live out our Breakthrough Codes for College Success.
Be Breakthrough: Demonstrates motivation to learn, work hard, and find their own, unique path to college
Strive to Understand: Appreciates differences in others and seeks to learn more about others’ points of view.
Relish Hard Work Together: Tries to work well with teachers, school counselors and family members. We’re here as a team, so parent(s) and guardian(s) also have to be committed to student’s success in the program
Be Grateful: Shows respect towards peers and adults and works to make Breakthrough a great place for everyone
Be Curious: Demonstrates excitement about learning and eagerness to explore their passions and interests
Live the Growth Mindset: Willing to accept feedback
Persist: Knows that getting to college takes a lot of work and is fully committed to the 6-year Program